Sunday, September 7, 2008


Recently I've been hearing all this talk about The Jonas Brothers and how they are considered the next big thing. They have made appearances on every talk show that I can think of and seem to be capturing the hearts of teenage girls nationwide. Tonight is the MTV Music Awards featuring none other than The Jonas Brothers. As much as I wanted to turn the channel, I resisted. So, I gave these little boys five minutes of my time (no Michael Jackson). To my surprise, these kids weren't too bad. I respect the fact that they could sing and play an instrument at the same time. Not like other artist who just hold a mic and run around grabbing their crotch. These kids appear to be multifaceted. Now, let me pump my brakes for a minute. I'm not going to put them in the same breath as some other legends, but, it's good to see artist bring something new (nobody sounds like them) to the mainstream. With that being said, am I going to buy their album? No. Will I listen to another song by them? Probably not!

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