I read the brilliant blog from my cousin today and got to thinking about President(to hell with that "ELECT" bulls##t) OBAMA. growing up with an alcoholic taught me to mince words when I think my words could possibly offend those listening. I am going to try and unclog that filter in my brain for this one. White people for years have been looking for a reason to tell niggas(remember that word) to stop making excuses for a lack of progress that could be caused by the following: systematic oppression, institutionalized racism, redlining, lack of affirmitive action, social, economic, and educational disparities(I DON"T GIVE A F%^K ABOUT TYPOS TONITE), Clarence Thomas, laws that target poor minorities which jack up prison rates, and a host of others. Well now they have one! A Black president! No more excuses niggas. " Man, it's hard for a nigga like me with a felony to get a job!" White guy(or lady): "hey man, y'all got a black president!" "Yo, I came from a broken home, a drug and gang infested neighborhood, urban blight, and the piece of shit education i got ain't cuttin it". White guy: Hey man, y'all got a black president"! "Dude i been in ten foster homes and in and out of juvee'. I aint got no future"! White guy: "Hey man, y'all got a black president"! Sir! i have B.S. from Stanford and my PHD from Princeton. i am a tenured professor at Cornell. The cops still profile me saying "You fit the description buddy". White guy: Hey man, y'all got a black president'! Sorry Negroes! OBAMA has jacked things up for you! I am not suggesting that every one from a fractured background such as mine should be motivated by what some refer to as resillient child syndrome. Listen bros! no one gives a shit about where you come from or what you've been through. that shit won't pay the bills or feed your ass.
MY sensitive and emotional ass had to learn that the hard way as I do most lessons in life. If you need help stop letting roxi and that corny nigga terrence from106 and Park provide your therapy and use the thousands of free counseling services waiting to help yo ass! Maybe the white guy is right. WE ALL have a black president now! Think about Martin lying there at the steps of that memphis hotel with his jaw ripped to his chest. Remember Malcolm's bullet riddled body on the stage of that New York ballroom in front of his wife and beautiful daughter?.I'm sure Rosa Parks, Harriet tubman, Huey newton, and even booker T.
wahington might just say: Stop makin excuses! I am off the soap box now! think progressive y'all! OUT
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