Here's my vent about dating people that have been directly or indirectly affiliated with promiscuious circles. Some of this might make sense and other parts not so much!
I have always heard that you are separated by only six people in the world. Growing up I found that hard to believe because if you go outside and randomly choose six strangers, chances are they will not know someone that you know to complete the cycle (if that makes any sense). Before my skirt chasing days, I would always see the girls chasing the same guys and vice verse. I never understood why people would continue to date the same person after a homie or acquaintance has, especially when you know that person's dirt. When I finally entered the dating world at the tender age of 12-13 years, my first real girlfriend was part of the "highly sought after females". For me I merely saw it a way to become more popular with my peers. Nothing serious happen between us, maybe a note passed in class, a walk home, or she wore my jersey to a game. However, when we broke up she went full throttle, and started diving into any and every ones' bed. Now I know that we did not get that far, and quite frankly she might have thought I was slow back then; and I'll admit I was. I vividly recall the feeling of disgust knowing that my name was associated with hers, and we did absolutely nothing. It made me feel slutty. I'm like these females, it's a privilege to get in bed with me. From that point on, I made a promise to myself to date more cautiously in the future for obvious reasons like my health.
When I entered high school, I was able to successfully do that and a smudge of dirt could not be found on my name. That's actually kind of hard considering most high schools are anywhere between 2000-6000 students. I know most guys don't give a damn about a females reputation because most of the time they are thinking with their little head; that is until they wake with that instant burn. Anyhow, once I became an adult, I felt like there is no possible way that I would date a woman that would be within six degrees of separation of a guy I knew or knew of. You have the whole world to choose from. What I have come to find out is, the older you get the smaller your circle becomes, and everyone wants to be part of the same crowd. Once you find your niche of people that have the same taste in clubs, women, men(nh), music, entertainment, etc...then inevitably that six degree becomes more like one.
I am very selective in my process of dating women for all the reasons above, but somehow this six damn degrees keeps biting in the butt. Every time I think I have expanded my boundaries, or I'm out in the clear, I come to find out that I'm not. It's frustrating and only leads me to one thing, I need to move somewhere way far out or start dating people from the most random groups or areas. Not all men, but when some men know that his girl has been directly or indirectly in a circle of people that slept with each other it messes with him. You start thinking things like duration of time that the paths could have possibly been crossed. For instance, if A slept with B, and B slept with C, and C slept with D, and D slept with B, and D, and C sleeps with E, and then E sleeps with G, was there a time that all of these people were sleeping with each and not knowing. Dangerous! Now before you go drop the "who cares what she did before you", fall back. I'm very comfortable knowing that I will always have be some one's sloppy seconds, however, you don't want those seconds to have no trend left on them. I think it's best not to know anything at all, that way you can't pass judgment or have unwanted images in your head appear. Either way, it seems like a no win situation. How the saying goes, "there's always someone that came before you, and someone will always come after you"...
cues Bobby Brown "I got to get away"
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