I'm not one for the comic book Super Heroes, maybe except for the Incredible Hulk or the lovely Wonder Woman. After seeing the Incredible Hulk, I was utterly disappointed with the exceptions of a few actions scenes. It almost came across as corny believe it or not. The fact that I was somewhat of a fan before the movies is what kept me in my seat.
Now this Batman: Dark Knight is a whole another story/film. I want to start off by mentioning it was my first IMAX experience and I couldn't have picked a better movie. From the moment the movie started, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the next action scene. Admittedly, I was caught up in the Heath Ledger Oscar hype and his 'final' full performance, but dammitt it's well deserving. He absolutely perfected the joker character. He was brilliant, dark, witty, and engaging. They spread his appearances throughout the movie, perfectly. I wished he would had two more scenes of torturing the poor Gotham citizens, but even then, I would've still been begging for more. My favorite part of the movie was when the Joker escaped from jail and while sitting in the back of the police car, he stuck his head out the window with his hair wafting in the air. There was no dialogue but the picture and five seconds of silence said a thousands words. You have to be borderline sick and ingenuous to write a script for a movie like this.
Everything from Batman's corny voice, his vehicles, the Joker's 'crimes', etc exceeded my expectations. I really believe that the Batman enthusiasts came away from this movie satisfied. Ray asked me "What did you like more Transformers or Batman?" I paused for a couple of seconds and not giving an answer he says "I'm going see it". If you know me then you know how important Transformers is to me. I must admit, I'm dying to catch the movie one more time before it leaves the movie theatre.
I give the movie a B+/A-
Go see it!
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