Don't accuse me of being insensitive to your feelings after 400 years of oppression. It's not my fault that you reminded black folk hundreds of years ago that they would be forever mentally and physically enslaved. Don't blame the kid in school who was told all he would become is a blue collar worker, because his daddy was, and his dreams of becoming an executive would never come true. His friends who happen to be aspiring artists, but come from an impoverished background, could walk into an executive meeting, lacking the credentials as their superiors, and still can hold his head high before signing a record contract. I forgot to mention he or she stressed about their attire that came from a flea market around the corner, but you couldn't tell by their confidence. Better yet, his obese mother who walks around like she's Halle Berry, strutting around in clothes that you would not wear because you gained 10 lbs; so Cosmos says you're fat. And last but not least, don't blame the bi-racial kid that came from a white mother and black father who sought to become President of the US, even after you told him time and time again, it will never happen. If we let every person that told or showed black folk YOU"RE NOT ATTRACTIVE, AND INTELLIGENT ENOUGH keep us down, then we wouldn't be where we are today; or better yet extinct. However, we are human, therefore you must not forget those words have a tendency to hardened us. And, although you blame us for being cocking, overconfident, boisterous, and insensitive, we can still find the a way to be nurturing to others. It's the same thing that attracts you to us.
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