Have you ever thought about a period in your life that was a complete waste of time? This may sound a bit goofy but hang with me!! In college I had the priviledge of spending one semester(four and a half damn months!!) in a class tilted "Contemporary moral issues" also known as philosophy 250. what the hell was that out of touch guidance counselor thinking encouraging a kid from a neighborhood titled "Terrortown"(innercity USA) to engage in such bulls$%t? Anyway, i got to thinking. Uh! oh! this may be a time to put the women and children to bed!! In our midst today we have a handfull of brilliant minds that are more than willing to spread philisophical wisdom with no idea of their great feat! The great KRS-ONE of the legendary BOOGIE DOWN PRODUCTIONS(that's for all of the T.I., Lil' wayne cronies that are inclined to believe that HIP-HOP started in 2004) wrote the brililiant "My Philosophy". He had his philosophy. I definitely have my own! Then there are those that are, simply put, genuises! Let's take a look at a few. The great philosopher Flav Flav once said" I can't do nuthin for ya man". Philosophical translation: the world is tough. The world is bold. You must do for self or get left in the cold. The great philosopher Warren Sapp once said "Everybody know what to do. But not everybody do what they know" . Philosophical translation: Talk is cheap. Words mean absolutely nothing without actions. The great philosopher Ray lewis once said " the same thang make you laugh make you cry". Philosophical translation: The things that make us the happiest can destroy us. The great philosopher DMX once said" Home of the brave, my home is a cave, and yo i'm a slave til my home is a grave". Philosophical translation: As an ancestor of the brave souls who survived the great Trans-Atlantic slave trade living under the umbrella of white supremacy, I will always be seen as a cotton picker.Last but certainly not least!! the great philosopher Mike tyson once said" We are all creatures of contradiction" Philosophical translation: Who the hell knows? Mikey T is crazy as catsh#$t(the mack lessons-DOE)!! Anyway, if you stumbled your way through this schizophrenic rant it is safe to say that you get my drift! So who needs Socrates, or Aesops,or Kant, or Nietzshce, or any of those bastards whose distorted view of themselves and the world eventually became the cause of me taking that dumb ass class(my only collegiate "F" by the way) that taught me the fundamental science of sleeping in the back of lecture halls?!! So the next time you're short on wisdom or philosophical guidance check these brilliant minds out and tell me who the real PHILOSOPHERS ARE!! LOL.
Here we have another one of Dee-Rock's rants born out of the depths of crankyness, boredom, and despair!! LOL
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