Twenty-five Signs You Have Grown Up
By: Salma Rumman (View Profile)
1. Your houseplants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them.
2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
5. You hear your favorite song in an elevator.
6. You watch the Weather Channel.
7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of "hook up" and "breakup."
8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.
9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."
10. You're the one calling the police because those %&@# kids next door won't turn down the stereo.
11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.
12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.
13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
14. You feed your dog "Science Diet" instead of McDonald's leftovers.
15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
16. You take naps.
17. Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at three in the morning would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.
19. You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests.
20. A four dollar bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good #++%."
21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.
22. "I just can't drink the way I used to" replaces "I'm never going to drink that much again."
23. Ninety percent of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.
24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.
25. When you find out your friend is pregnant you congratulate them instead of asking "Oh #++% what the hell happened?"
Bonus:26: You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that it doesn't apply to you and can't find one to save your sorry old !$@.
A down-to-earth, bourgeoisie, stone-cold gentleman with a revolutionary mind stuck in time!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Here it is bam! then you say Goddam this a dope jam". An introduction from the legendary Public Enemy and their classic "Night of the living baseheads". My dorky ass thought it sounded cool or something! I digress!( THE mack lessons DOE!!) Anyway, here is a diatribe(a shameful attempt at trying to sound intelligent) of sorts from the infamous "Mr. Deep Thoughts"(This one took a minute "G").The legendary comic and writer Paul mooney once said " I say nigga 100 times every morning to keep my teeth white". I wish I was insightful enough to tell you what he meant. I'm not. Hopefully, all of you critical thinkers out there will find a way to make it relevant. Some of the most prolific, insightful, enlightning, challenging, honest, and sincere thoughts conjured up by one's mind were those that were never verbalized. How do I know this you might ask? I will tell you. Some things can't be explained. Some things should not have to be explained. A brilliant mind asked me to give my spiel on the use of the n-word. Let us not fear this word that has pervaded the American lexicon for centuries. Take a second and say Nigger! or Nigga! Use the one that makes you comfy! Now see. You did not faint, black out, seize, or go into tardive dyskinesia(Here I go agian trying to sound smart. How dare that nigga!). I wish that I could provide the world with some prophetic answer for the African-American usage of a word that causes slaves, jim crow victims, the lynched, EMMIT TILL, MLK, MEDGAR EVERS, MALCOLM X, HARRIET TUBMAN, THURGOOD MARSHALL, FREDERICK DOUGLAS, and others to do cartwheels in their final resting places. I can't. Fortunately the constitution has this deal called freedom of speech(If I were really smart I would refer to the amendment). Unfortunately, this does not prevent people from getting mollywhopped! This is a term I heard used today when someone described his response to a white guy calling him a nigger. Maybe we took the hurt and power from the word or the oppressor and deemed it a term of endearment. What's up my nigga!! I got love for my Nigga's! I am down for my nigga's! I'll put holes in a nigga for my niggas'! The truth is no one should use nigga! Nigga's should not say nigga. No geek, bookworm, brainiac, nuclear scientist, the genuises from Good Will hunting or Finding forrester could provide me with enough evidence to justify the use of the word! But guess what folks? We still use it! I still use the word! I will probably use it the next time one of my "nigga's" calls! What a vacillating hypocrite I can be! Unless you(Caucasians or any persons not defined as "niggas") have been given a special,special, special, special ghetto pass form your "niggas" don't say nigga! Remember mollywhopped!! Now that may not happen. Use at your own risk!! I will let the great poet Bruce Hornsby and his group the Range sum up for you this entire waste of time i just dispensed. "That's just the way it is. Some things will never change!' If this sounds like a disorganized, confused, or lopdisded rant remember what I said earlier. Some things just should not be explained.
COMMON SENSE(not the rap guy) tip of the day: Use COMMON SENSE!! If you can accomplish this I promise you will never, ever be perplexed by this quandary: They call themselves nigga's! Why can't we? Think nigga's, think!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
When Hip Hop Made a Ni**@ Think
Elvis was a hero to most but he never meant s@#t to me you see straight-up racist the sucker was simple and plain. Flava flav: "Muthaf#$k him and JOHN wayne". Cause I'm black and I'm proud I'm ready I'm hyped cause I'm amped. Most of our heroes don't appear on no stamp". The legendary, iconic, and prolific Chuck D of Public Enemy- "FIGHT THE POWER", circa 1989. From the brilliant Spike Lee masterpiece "DO THE RIGHT THING".
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Gosh Damn It's HOT!

Living in Southern California, we are fortunate to have the finer things; women, cars, palm trees, Hollywood, SD, and 'weather'. Weather? I think NOT! This weekend is straight BLISTERING (102 degrees) and I haven't done a damn thing but sit in my shorts and t-shirt, all day. The AC is crankin (word to soldier boy) and I have no plans, hence the abscence of REAL photos. It's too hot to go outside and take a snap picture. According to the weather channel, the heat is suppose to persist until Tuesday. Looks like I need a one way ticket to the Northwest, where they have mild summers. Cali is becoming too much like Arizona and I'm not a zealot of it
Friday, June 20, 2008
Old Skool VIdeo of the day
Shaq O'neal - I know I got skillz.
I remember riding in my Supra that weighed 12,000 pounds bumpin this CD single. You couldn't beat them .99 cent singles from the Wherehouse.
I remember riding in my Supra that weighed 12,000 pounds bumpin this CD single. You couldn't beat them .99 cent singles from the Wherehouse.
D'angelo is coming back!

D'Angelo is working on a new album that will be released in 2009,through J Records.The R&B singer's last CD,"Voodoo," was issued in 2000 and sold 1.69 million copies in the United States.According to reports,D'Angelo plans on collaborating with Raphael Saadiq and John Mayer,on the project.
A single might even see the light before the end of 2008.
Hopefully this N' won't come (no homo) with a half, my bad, naked video again. But really, I'm light weight hating. Good to see the brotha is making music again.
SELF- Efficacy
Do you ever say to yourself , "some folks try too damn hard"? the funny thing about us homosapiens( just wanted to sound smart!) is that often we don't realize just how transparent we are. Do you ever wonder if people who are really jerks know that they are jerks? Consider for a moment that one Boss that almost sent you to prison for life!! You get my drift! Would Adolf Hitler define himself as a murdering white supremacist? Does Sirhan Sirhan truly think of himself as an assassin? Does that bastard Timothy Mcveigh consider himself a terrorist? Does George Bush think to himself " My eight years as Commander in Chief have really sucked"? I am sure they all would answer "No". When we justify or rationalize our faults it can be very difficult for us to see our true selves. I can relate because i have been guilty of the same s#$t! Self exploration can be a tough road to travel. I know because life has forced me to do it everyday. this is just some of the goofy s%$t I think of when I'm bored.
Besides, what the hell do i know anyway?
Besides, what the hell do i know anyway?
Great Contemporary Philosophers..Rant!

Have you ever thought about a period in your life that was a complete waste of time? This may sound a bit goofy but hang with me!! In college I had the priviledge of spending one semester(four and a half damn months!!) in a class tilted "Contemporary moral issues" also known as philosophy 250. what the hell was that out of touch guidance counselor thinking encouraging a kid from a neighborhood titled "Terrortown"(innercity USA) to engage in such bulls$%t? Anyway, i got to thinking. Uh! oh! this may be a time to put the women and children to bed!! In our midst today we have a handfull of brilliant minds that are more than willing to spread philisophical wisdom with no idea of their great feat! The great KRS-ONE of the legendary BOOGIE DOWN PRODUCTIONS(that's for all of the T.I., Lil' wayne cronies that are inclined to believe that HIP-HOP started in 2004) wrote the brililiant "My Philosophy". He had his philosophy. I definitely have my own! Then there are those that are, simply put, genuises! Let's take a look at a few. The great philosopher Flav Flav once said" I can't do nuthin for ya man". Philosophical translation: the world is tough. The world is bold. You must do for self or get left in the cold. The great philosopher Warren Sapp once said "Everybody know what to do. But not everybody do what they know" . Philosophical translation: Talk is cheap. Words mean absolutely nothing without actions. The great philosopher Ray lewis once said " the same thang make you laugh make you cry". Philosophical translation: The things that make us the happiest can destroy us. The great philosopher DMX once said" Home of the brave, my home is a cave, and yo i'm a slave til my home is a grave". Philosophical translation: As an ancestor of the brave souls who survived the great Trans-Atlantic slave trade living under the umbrella of white supremacy, I will always be seen as a cotton picker.Last but certainly not least!! the great philosopher Mike tyson once said" We are all creatures of contradiction" Philosophical translation: Who the hell knows? Mikey T is crazy as catsh#$t(the mack lessons-DOE)!! Anyway, if you stumbled your way through this schizophrenic rant it is safe to say that you get my drift! So who needs Socrates, or Aesops,or Kant, or Nietzshce, or any of those bastards whose distorted view of themselves and the world eventually became the cause of me taking that dumb ass class(my only collegiate "F" by the way) that taught me the fundamental science of sleeping in the back of lecture halls?!! So the next time you're short on wisdom or philosophical guidance check these brilliant minds out and tell me who the real PHILOSOPHERS ARE!! LOL.
Here we have another one of Dee-Rock's rants born out of the depths of crankyness, boredom, and despair!! LOL
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Juneteenth to my Brothas and Sistas

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is an annual holiday or holiday observance in 29 states of the United States. Celebrated on June 19, it commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in Texas. The holiday originated in Galveston, Texas; for more than a century, the state of Texas was the primary home of Juneteenth celebrations. However, one small community in Arkansas (Wilmar) boasts that its celebration, called "June Dinner" has been consistently observed and celebrated, except for one year, since approximately 1870. Since 1980, Juneteenth has been an official state holiday in Texas. It is considered a "partial staffing holiday" meaning that state offices do not close but some employees will be using a floating holiday to take the day off. Twelve other states list it as an official holiday, including Arkansas, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Alaska. In California, Governor Schwarzenegger proclaimed June 19th "Juneteenth" on June 19, 2005. However, some of these states, such as Connecticut, do not consider it a legal holiday and do not close government offices in observance of the occasion. Its informal observance has spread to some other states, with a few celebrations even taking place in other countries.
As of June 2008, 29 states and the District of Columbia have recognized Juneteenth as either a state holiday or state holiday observance; these include Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
Nike Flightposite 1 Retro

While Nike has been putting a bunch of crap out lately, and yes shoddy quality Jordans included, they've managed to get some shoes correct. Back in 1999, I wasn't to intrigued by this particular model and I recall riding in the car with Ray and seeing them on clearance. I should have pulled over then and copped on sight. Well, that opportunity has evaded me, but another one is definitely in the near future. Unfortunately, this time around, it will leave my pockets feeling a bit anorexic. The Flightposite will retail for 180.00 with a schedule release month of October 2008. While I anticipate the shoe to sell out in some parts of the country, I'm sure you'll be able to find it at a discounted price, if you are patient and willing to take that chance.
Pics courtesy of
Shirt made my day!
Funny Video of the day!
Believe it or not, I didn't find much humor in the video, but there's a buzz about it on the Internet. It's a shame that kids in Iraq are living under these types of conditions. Sometimes I ponder, are we (U.S.A.) really making their lives better or a living hell?
Tiger caged up for 2008

After spending countless hours glued in front of my television this past weekend, I developed a new passion for golf. I arguably witness the greatest performance in PGA history or in the short career of Eldrick Woods. Unfortunately, that appears to be the last look I'll get for the remainder of the year. Tiger will undergo season-ending surgery and his year is officially over. According to Tiger, he has a torn ACL and two fractures in his fibula. I'm not a doctor nor have I suffered any injury remotely close to his. However, I must admit that it takes sure will to compete with those types of injuries. Tiger's caddy (Stevie Williams) said. "I could hear his (Tiger) knee every time he hit the ball." Are you f*cking kidding me, that's insane! Well hope Tiger has a speedy recovery for selfish reason, and I look forward to seeing him on the green in 2009.
It's the Clipse
It's no secret that Pusha-T is my favorite rapper in the game right now. Him and his brother (Malice) are back with a new track called 'Fast Life' produced by Scott Storch. Stepping away from the traditional Neptune sound, this tracks goes kind of hard, no homo of course.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jordan XVI and VII pack
The Penny 2's are back!
A few scanned catalog shots and samples have been floating around the web, but at last we have official pics of the upcoming Air Penny II retros. This fall two of the three original colorways will make their way back to the public and not a minute too soon. It has been almost 12 years since the shoes first released for the 1996-97 season.
To promote the shoe a series of “Lil Penny” commercials were as nearly as enjoyable as Spike’s Jordan commercials with the added comedy of Chris Rock being the voice over of Lil Penny. This time around you’ll have to catch the commercials on YouTube when the Penny II retros release in October (Black/Varisty Royal) and November (White/Varsity Royal). MSRP is set for $140 and for those with big feet (and concerned), they will release up to size 15.

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- 25 signs you've grown up
- When Hip Hop Made a Ni**@ Think
- Gosh Damn It's HOT!
- Old Skool VIdeo of the day
- D'angelo is coming back!
- SELF- Efficacy
- Great Contemporary Philosophers..Rant!
- Happy Juneteenth to my Brothas and Sistas
- Nike Flightposite 1 Retro
- Shirt made my day!
- Funny Video of the day!
- Tiger caged up for 2008
- It's the Clipse
- The Boston Celtics are the 2008 NBA Champions, and...
- Weezy sells 1,005,554 in the first week..WOW
- Jordan XVI and VII pack
- The Penny 2's are back!