Recognize real hip-hop
A down-to-earth, bourgeoisie, stone-cold gentleman with a revolutionary mind stuck in time!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
RIP Black America
I am glad that someone has called out Black Women but all women needed to be called out for choosing these losers.
What part of the game is that?
Are you not waiting for this "marriage" to end? I have the under on 6 months
Thursday, October 22, 2009
End of Capitalism in America?
Yes, Wall Street has lost its moral compass. They created the mess, now, like vultures, they're capitalizing on the carcass. They have lost all sense of fiduciary duty, ethical responsibility and public obligation.
Here are the Top 20 reasons American capitalism has lost its soul:
1. Collapse is now inevitable
Capitalism has been the engine driving America and the global economies for over two centuries. Faber predicts its collapse will trigger global "wars, massive government-debt defaults, and the impoverishment of large segments of Western society." Faber knows that capitalism is not working, capitalism has peaked, and the collapse of capitalism is "inevitable."
When? He hesitates: "But what I don't know is whether this final collapse, which is inevitable, will occur tomorrow, or in five or 10 years, and whether it will occur with the Dow at 100,000 and gold at $50,000 per ounce or even confiscated, or with the Dow at 3,000 and gold at $1,000." But the end is inevitable, a historical imperative.
2. Nobody's planning for a 'Black Swan'
While the timing may be uncertain, the trigger is certain. Societies collapse because they fail to plan ahead, cannot act fast enough when a catastrophic crisis hits. Think "Black Swan" and read evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond's "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed."
A crisis hits. We act surprised. Shouldn't. But it's too late: "Civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society's demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak population, wealth and power."
Warnings are everywhere. Why not prepare? Why sabotage our power, our future? Why set up an entire nation to fail? Diamond says: Unfortunately "one of the choices has depended on the courage to practice long-term thinking, and to make bold, courageous, anticipatory decisions at a time when problems have become perceptible but before they reach crisis proportions."
Sound familiar? "This type of decision-making is the opposite of the short-term reactive decision-making that too often characterizes our elected politicians," thus setting up the "inevitable" collapse. Remember, Greenspan, Bernanke, Bush, Paulson all missed the 2007-8 meltdown: It will happen again, in a bigger crisis.
3. Wall Street sacked Washington
Bogle warned of a growing three-part threat -- a "happy conspiracy" -- in "The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism:" "The business and ethical standards of corporate America, of investment America, and of mutual fund America have been gravely compromised."
But since his book, "Wall Street America" went over to the dark side, got mega-greedy and took control of "Washington America." Their spoils of war included bailouts, bankruptcies, stimulus, nationalizations and $23.7 trillion new debt off-loaded to the Treasury, Fed and American people.
Who's in power? Irrelevant. The "happy conspiracy" controls both parties, writes the laws to suit its needs, with absolute control of America's fiscal and monetary policies. Sorry Jack, but the "Battle for the Soul of Capitalism" really was lost.
4. When greed was legalized
Go see Michael Moore's documentary, "Capitalism: A Love Story." "Disaster Capitalism" author Naomi Klein recently interviewed Moore in The Nation magazine: "Capitalism is the legalization of this greed. Greed has been with human beings forever. We have a number of things in our species that you would call the dark side, and greed is one of them. If you don't put certain structures in place or restrictions on those parts of our being that come from that dark place, then it gets out of control."
Greed's OK, within limits, like the 10 Commandments. Yes, the soul can thrive around greed, if there are structures and restrictions to keep it from going out of control. But Moore warns: "Capitalism does the opposite of that. It not only doesn't really put any structure or restrictions on it. It encourages it, it rewards" greed, creating bigger, more frequent bubble/bust cycles.
It happens because capitalism is now in "the hands of people whose only concern is their fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders or to their own pockets." Yes, greed was legalized in America, with Wall Street running Washington.
5. Triggering the end of our 'life cycle'
Like Diamond, Faber also sees the historical imperative: "Every successful society" grows "out of some kind of challenge." Today, the "life cycle" of capitalism is on the decline.
He asks himself: "How are you so sure about this final collapse?" The answer: "Of all the questions I have about the future, this is the easiest one to answer. Once a society becomes successful it becomes arrogant, righteous, overconfident, corrupt, and decadent ... overspends ... costly wars ... wealth inequity and social tensions increase; and society enters a secular decline." Success makes us our own worst enemy.
Quoting 18th century Scottish historian Alexander Fraser Tytler: "The average life span of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years" progressing from "bondage to spiritual faith ... to great courage ... to liberty ... to abundance ... to selfishness ... to complacency ... to apathy ... to dependence and ... back into bondage!"
Where is America in the cycle? "It is most unlikely that Western societies, and especially the U.S., will be an exception to this typical 'society cycle.' ... The U.S. is somewhere between the phase where it moves 'from complacency to apathy' and 'from apathy to dependence.'"
In short, America is a grumpy old man with hardening of the arteries. Our capitalism is near the tipping point, unprepared for a catastrophe, set up for collapse and rapid decline.
15 more clues capitalism lost its soul ... is a disaster waiting to happen
Much more evidence litters the battlefield:
Wall Street wealth now calls the shots in Congress, the White House
America's top 1% own more than 90% of America's wealth
The average worker's income has declined in three decades while CEO compensation exploded over ten times
The Fed is now the 'fourth branch of government' operating autonomously, secretly printing money at will
Since Goldman and Morgan became bank holding companies, all banks are back gambling with taxpayer bailout money plus retail customer deposits
Bill Gross warns of a "new normal" with slow growth, low earnings and stock prices
While the White House's chief economist retorts with hype of a recovery unimpeded by the "new normal"
Wall Street's high-frequency junkies make billions trading zombie stocks like AIG, FNMA, FMAC that have no fundamental value beyond a Treasury guarantee
401(k)s have lost 26.7% of their value in the past decade
Oil and energy costs will skyrocket
Foreign nations and sovereign funds have started dumping dollars, signaling the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency
In two years federal debt exploded from $11.2 to $23.7 trillion
New financial reforms will do little to prevent the next meltdown
The "forever war" between Western and Islamic fundamentalists will widen
As will environmental threats and unfunded entitlements
"America Capitalism" is a "Lost Soul" ... we've lost our moral compass ... the coming collapse is the end of an "inevitable" historical cycle stalking all great empires to their graves. Downsize your lifestyle expectations, trust no one, not even media.
Faber is uncertain about timing, we are not. There is a high probability of a crisis and collapse by 2012. The "Great Depression 2" is dead ahead. Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing you can do to hide from this unfolding reality or prevent the rush of the historical imperative.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
McNair Update
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—Ex-NFL quarterback Steve McNair’s(notes) mistress exchanged messages for weeks with the man who sold her the gun she used to kill McNair and herself, police said Tuesday.
The findings came a day after investigators released 50 text messages between McNair and Sahel Kazemi they say supports their conclusion of a murder-suicide because she was desperate over money and feared their relationship was ending.
Football Stories ResonatingLatest on tragic death of college football player Fallout from vicious hit in NFL game Police spokesman Don Aaron said Kazemi also was in contact weeks before the July 4 killings with Adrian Gilliam, who pleaded guilty to gun charges for selling the weapon to her.
Aaron declined to say more about the exchange of messages, first reported by CBS News, because Gilliam was awaiting sentencing in December. Police say Kazemi bought the gun from Gilliam the night of July 3, and used it hours later.
“The Police Department has been aware that their relationship was more than we were initially led to believe,” Aaron told The Associated Press.
According to the CBS report, Gilliam and Kazemi exchanged more than 200 calls more than three weeks before the murder-suicide, including 49 texts and calls the day before.
Police also said Kazemi texted McNair on July 3 to say she was so stressed she might have a breakdown and asked for $2,000 to pay bills. Texts show McNair had someone transfer the money.
Aaron repeated Tuesday that there’s no reason to believe the case should be reopened.
“Given the totality of the evidence as we know it now … the conclusion of the murder-suicide classification has not changed,” he said.
The findings came a day after investigators released 50 text messages between McNair and Sahel Kazemi they say supports their conclusion of a murder-suicide because she was desperate over money and feared their relationship was ending.
Football Stories ResonatingLatest on tragic death of college football player Fallout from vicious hit in NFL game Police spokesman Don Aaron said Kazemi also was in contact weeks before the July 4 killings with Adrian Gilliam, who pleaded guilty to gun charges for selling the weapon to her.
Aaron declined to say more about the exchange of messages, first reported by CBS News, because Gilliam was awaiting sentencing in December. Police say Kazemi bought the gun from Gilliam the night of July 3, and used it hours later.
“The Police Department has been aware that their relationship was more than we were initially led to believe,” Aaron told The Associated Press.
According to the CBS report, Gilliam and Kazemi exchanged more than 200 calls more than three weeks before the murder-suicide, including 49 texts and calls the day before.
Police also said Kazemi texted McNair on July 3 to say she was so stressed she might have a breakdown and asked for $2,000 to pay bills. Texts show McNair had someone transfer the money.
Aaron repeated Tuesday that there’s no reason to believe the case should be reopened.
“Given the totality of the evidence as we know it now … the conclusion of the murder-suicide classification has not changed,” he said.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Steve McNair Update
This could get even more interesting.

CBS correspondent Armen Keteyian has performed a three month investigation into the death of Steve McNair.
His findings will be shown on "The Early Show" beginning next Monday. CBS promises that Keteyian's findings will expose "critical flaws in the police investigation and raises troubling questions about the events leading up to the two deaths."
CBS correspondent Armen Keteyian has performed a three month investigation into the death of Steve McNair.
His findings will be shown on "The Early Show" beginning next Monday. CBS promises that Keteyian's findings will expose "critical flaws in the police investigation and raises troubling questions about the events leading up to the two deaths."
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Brain and Beauty
I am going out on a limb here to say that men are attracted women that visually stimulate them. That being said, some men do not care about what is in between a woman's ears. But there is nothing like the having both. What more can a man want, right?
Because I am lazing and short on time, I have a link below to the top 12 women with brains and beauty.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Relationship Advice...
Courtesy of Yahoo: Want to wreck your relationship, follow these steps.

#1. Having an affair with his "potential"
Wanting your man to be the best version of himself is admirable, but approaching his looks and personality with "Extreme Makeover" ambition will do little more than erode his self-esteem and leave you both frustrated and resentful. "If you and your partner believe that love means acceptance, pushing him to change and criticizing him is going to send him the opposite message. What he hears is 'you aren't good enough,'" says Nina Atwood, M.Ed., L.P.C., author of "Temptations of the Single Girl: The Ten Dating Traps You Must Avoid."
How to rebuild: This is where the old 80-20 rule can be used to the benefit of both of you. Spend at least 80 percent of your time together letting your partner know all the things you adore and appreciate about him, so that when you mention something you don't like, it doesn't feel like another item on a long list of failures.
More Glamour:
* Five Secrets All Guys Keep From You
* Seven Things a Guy's Bedroom Says About Him
#2. Major mood swings
We're living in some pretty anxiety-inducing times, and when life takes a stressful turn, it's not uncommon for couples to start taking out that stress on each other. While the occasional mood swing can -- and should -- be forgiven, being in a relationship with someone whose bad moods outnumber her good ones can make a man run for cover. Wouldn't you do the same?
How to rebuild: The next time you catch yourself taking a downturn, take a moment to consider what kind of impact your moods are having on your man and the relationship. "If a woman is too moody, we start to walk on eggshells because we just don't want to deal with the drama," says Matt, 31, of San Diego.
#3. Gossip
Talking to pals about your love life is a normal part of friendship, but if you're calling your BFF, your sister, and your mom every time your man pisses you off, you're not only going to wind up embarrassed when the storm passes, you'll also find yourself in a relationship with someone who feels violated and judged. "As a couple, private information should stay private or you risk damaging your reputation as a couple, which in turn may isolate you from others and sever your relationship," says Dan Schawbel, personal branding expert and author of "Me: 2.0." Remember that word of mouth is a powerful force, and it can hurt your reputation if your mate or others brand you as untrustworthy."
How to rebuild: The next time you log on to his computer and find an improper download, resist the urge to get on the phone and vent to your top five. Instead, sit down and talk things out with the one person who can help you work through it. If you're not sure how to approach him about a certain topic, sit down and write him a letter. (Helpful hint: Sit on it for 24 hours to make sure it says what you really want to say and isn't just filled with angry words and blame.)
#4. Melodrama
If you're calling him in tears every time your coworker irritates you, deleting him from Facebook during every argument, and threatening to end the relationship over him leaving the toilet seat up (again!), he might start looking for a new leading lady. "Men have a tendency to really like low-maintenance girls when it comes to relationships," says Kristian, 35, of New York City. "We're pretty lazy in general, and it's exhausting when you need to work so hard to make someone happy and calm them down every day."
How to rebuild: Save the details of your office drama for brunch with the girls, and the next time you feel your inner Heidi Montag moving center stage, take a deep breath and rate the situation on a scale from 1 to 10. If it scores below a 5, let it go and save award-worthy performances for anything above a 9 (cheating, insulting your boss at your holiday party, etc.).
5. "Mom-ing" him
Your man loves his mama and he loves you, but when you're the one telling him to stop playing Guitar Hero, scoffing at his lack of manners, or informing him he can't go out with his pals because he has a "big day tomorrow," it's anything but appealing. He'll not only resent that you're trying to control him, but he'll also likely do what all children do when they're being reprimanded -- rebel. "Scolding your mate creates an unhealthy dynamic of parent-child relationship, which automatically puts your partner into a child role and you into the role of mom," says Jeannine Estes, M.A, a marriage and family therapist and author of "Relationships in the Raw." "Children often do the opposite when they feel as if they don't have a choice, and this is similar for couples."
How to rebuild: "Instead of scolding or telling him what to do or not do, try to ask for your needs in a clear and respectful way and avoid using the 'mother' tone," says Estes. "Share with your partner the importance of your needs rather than demanding or scoffing at what he has or hasn't done right. Also, scolding him like you are his mother can put you in a parent role, carrying the relationship without any assistance or partnership."
#6. Too much together time
Spending time with your guy is one of the best parts of being in a relationship, but there's a big difference between bonding and being joined at the hip. "Many men are attracted to secure, independent women," says Stacey Rosenfeld, Ph.D, a New York City psychologist. "Once in relationships, women may tend to become more dependent, to demand more time and attention of their partners. This can represent a problem, as often men need more space than women."
How to rebuild: Remind your guy of the independent and fabulous woman he was initially attracted to by indulging in your favorite pastimes and enjoying your friends without him every once in a while. By flashing your independence, you'll not only give him a chance to miss you but also have interesting things to share with him when you meet up.
#7. Jealousy
He lets you know how much he loves you constantly, but that doesn't stop you from checking his phone when he's in the shower or sending every pretty girl he talks to eye-daggers. Although a tiny bit of jealousy in a relationship is normal, accusing your man of cheating and questioning his whereabouts every time he walks in will have him feeling controlled, manipulated, and insulted. "Jealousy in a relationship, or even personally, is the spiritual equivalent of dumping hydrochloric acid on the person," says 33-year-old Marc from Los Angeles. "Just sit back and prepare for the disintegration."
How to rebuild: Unless your man has said or done things to make you suspicious, your jealousy is more about your relationship with yourself than you two as a couple. Back away from his computer and check out your own history. Were you betrayed in the past? Did you grow up in a household where the fidelity vows were broken? There might be ways in which you are allowing unresolved issues from your past to dictate your present behavior. If you don't feel you can overcome the green monster on your own, don't be afraid to reach out to a qualified counselor who can help you identify the sources of your insecurity and work through them.
#8. Getting too comfortable
In the beginning of a relationship, both parties make sure to look and act their best, but as time moves on, the sweatpants come out and routine takes over. "People tend to get lazy in their relationships, and while it's good to be comfortable, no one wants to be boring or to be bored," says Lissa Coffey, author of "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love."
How to rebuild: Men love to be seduced and romanced as much as we do, and part of what makes the courtship phase of relationships so fun is the experience of uncovering the mystery of another and trying new things together. "When a woman stops making an effort to look nice for her man and expects him to take care of all the stuff in the romance department, a man begins to feel taken for granted and thinks that she doesn't care about impressing him anymore," says Brian, 30, of New York City. Show your guy he's still worth the effort by surprising him with a break from the ratty T-shirt you wear to bed, a sweet note, or planning a special night out for him "just because." He'll not only appreciate it, he'll also reciprocate -- and that's a give and take to get excited about.
#1. Having an affair with his "potential"
Wanting your man to be the best version of himself is admirable, but approaching his looks and personality with "Extreme Makeover" ambition will do little more than erode his self-esteem and leave you both frustrated and resentful. "If you and your partner believe that love means acceptance, pushing him to change and criticizing him is going to send him the opposite message. What he hears is 'you aren't good enough,'" says Nina Atwood, M.Ed., L.P.C., author of "Temptations of the Single Girl: The Ten Dating Traps You Must Avoid."
How to rebuild: This is where the old 80-20 rule can be used to the benefit of both of you. Spend at least 80 percent of your time together letting your partner know all the things you adore and appreciate about him, so that when you mention something you don't like, it doesn't feel like another item on a long list of failures.
More Glamour:
* Five Secrets All Guys Keep From You
* Seven Things a Guy's Bedroom Says About Him
#2. Major mood swings
We're living in some pretty anxiety-inducing times, and when life takes a stressful turn, it's not uncommon for couples to start taking out that stress on each other. While the occasional mood swing can -- and should -- be forgiven, being in a relationship with someone whose bad moods outnumber her good ones can make a man run for cover. Wouldn't you do the same?
How to rebuild: The next time you catch yourself taking a downturn, take a moment to consider what kind of impact your moods are having on your man and the relationship. "If a woman is too moody, we start to walk on eggshells because we just don't want to deal with the drama," says Matt, 31, of San Diego.
#3. Gossip
Talking to pals about your love life is a normal part of friendship, but if you're calling your BFF, your sister, and your mom every time your man pisses you off, you're not only going to wind up embarrassed when the storm passes, you'll also find yourself in a relationship with someone who feels violated and judged. "As a couple, private information should stay private or you risk damaging your reputation as a couple, which in turn may isolate you from others and sever your relationship," says Dan Schawbel, personal branding expert and author of "Me: 2.0." Remember that word of mouth is a powerful force, and it can hurt your reputation if your mate or others brand you as untrustworthy."
How to rebuild: The next time you log on to his computer and find an improper download, resist the urge to get on the phone and vent to your top five. Instead, sit down and talk things out with the one person who can help you work through it. If you're not sure how to approach him about a certain topic, sit down and write him a letter. (Helpful hint: Sit on it for 24 hours to make sure it says what you really want to say and isn't just filled with angry words and blame.)
#4. Melodrama
If you're calling him in tears every time your coworker irritates you, deleting him from Facebook during every argument, and threatening to end the relationship over him leaving the toilet seat up (again!), he might start looking for a new leading lady. "Men have a tendency to really like low-maintenance girls when it comes to relationships," says Kristian, 35, of New York City. "We're pretty lazy in general, and it's exhausting when you need to work so hard to make someone happy and calm them down every day."
How to rebuild: Save the details of your office drama for brunch with the girls, and the next time you feel your inner Heidi Montag moving center stage, take a deep breath and rate the situation on a scale from 1 to 10. If it scores below a 5, let it go and save award-worthy performances for anything above a 9 (cheating, insulting your boss at your holiday party, etc.).
5. "Mom-ing" him
Your man loves his mama and he loves you, but when you're the one telling him to stop playing Guitar Hero, scoffing at his lack of manners, or informing him he can't go out with his pals because he has a "big day tomorrow," it's anything but appealing. He'll not only resent that you're trying to control him, but he'll also likely do what all children do when they're being reprimanded -- rebel. "Scolding your mate creates an unhealthy dynamic of parent-child relationship, which automatically puts your partner into a child role and you into the role of mom," says Jeannine Estes, M.A, a marriage and family therapist and author of "Relationships in the Raw." "Children often do the opposite when they feel as if they don't have a choice, and this is similar for couples."
How to rebuild: "Instead of scolding or telling him what to do or not do, try to ask for your needs in a clear and respectful way and avoid using the 'mother' tone," says Estes. "Share with your partner the importance of your needs rather than demanding or scoffing at what he has or hasn't done right. Also, scolding him like you are his mother can put you in a parent role, carrying the relationship without any assistance or partnership."
#6. Too much together time
Spending time with your guy is one of the best parts of being in a relationship, but there's a big difference between bonding and being joined at the hip. "Many men are attracted to secure, independent women," says Stacey Rosenfeld, Ph.D, a New York City psychologist. "Once in relationships, women may tend to become more dependent, to demand more time and attention of their partners. This can represent a problem, as often men need more space than women."
How to rebuild: Remind your guy of the independent and fabulous woman he was initially attracted to by indulging in your favorite pastimes and enjoying your friends without him every once in a while. By flashing your independence, you'll not only give him a chance to miss you but also have interesting things to share with him when you meet up.
#7. Jealousy
He lets you know how much he loves you constantly, but that doesn't stop you from checking his phone when he's in the shower or sending every pretty girl he talks to eye-daggers. Although a tiny bit of jealousy in a relationship is normal, accusing your man of cheating and questioning his whereabouts every time he walks in will have him feeling controlled, manipulated, and insulted. "Jealousy in a relationship, or even personally, is the spiritual equivalent of dumping hydrochloric acid on the person," says 33-year-old Marc from Los Angeles. "Just sit back and prepare for the disintegration."
How to rebuild: Unless your man has said or done things to make you suspicious, your jealousy is more about your relationship with yourself than you two as a couple. Back away from his computer and check out your own history. Were you betrayed in the past? Did you grow up in a household where the fidelity vows were broken? There might be ways in which you are allowing unresolved issues from your past to dictate your present behavior. If you don't feel you can overcome the green monster on your own, don't be afraid to reach out to a qualified counselor who can help you identify the sources of your insecurity and work through them.
#8. Getting too comfortable
In the beginning of a relationship, both parties make sure to look and act their best, but as time moves on, the sweatpants come out and routine takes over. "People tend to get lazy in their relationships, and while it's good to be comfortable, no one wants to be boring or to be bored," says Lissa Coffey, author of "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love."
How to rebuild: Men love to be seduced and romanced as much as we do, and part of what makes the courtship phase of relationships so fun is the experience of uncovering the mystery of another and trying new things together. "When a woman stops making an effort to look nice for her man and expects him to take care of all the stuff in the romance department, a man begins to feel taken for granted and thinks that she doesn't care about impressing him anymore," says Brian, 30, of New York City. Show your guy he's still worth the effort by surprising him with a break from the ratty T-shirt you wear to bed, a sweet note, or planning a special night out for him "just because." He'll not only appreciate it, he'll also reciprocate -- and that's a give and take to get excited about.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Aubrey O'"hey" now!
I don't know what the issue was or why she made this video, however I don't care. I think it's obvious why I posted the video, her "natural" beauty right? Oh My!
NEW Robin Thicke
I was a big fan of him when he released his first album. For some reason I never checked for him after that. I guess he became too commercial for me. Well he is a new track produced by Polow.
Nobel Peace Prize
In a world of "What have you done for me lately", President Barack Obama was the receipient of the Noble Peace Prize, and a purse of $1.4 M. I feel indifferent about him winning this award. Yes, he is accomplished but to award him with this type of prestige this early is his term is kind of questionable. That's all I'm going to say about that one.
God Bless Leggins and Spandex.
Having trouble getting your arse to look firm and curvy? If there is one clothing item that can "reshape" a woman's body that would be spandex or leggins. I absolutely love the look, if the shape is right. Caution, as this look is not for everyone. If you have a pear shape, it's probably not going to work for you. But if you are moderately in=shape or have a coke bottle shape then perhaps you too could pull this look off.
PS-We all know that Vida has booty without the pants.
PS-We all know that Vida has booty without the pants.
D.O.A? Not quite!
I wonder what Jay-z is thinking after T-Pain released the I-phone application. Did he think he was going to bury this whole auto-tuned trend with one song, similarly to the way Juvenile buried No Limit with "Ha"?
Love tap?
I have had my fair share run-ins with the law. I have been thrown on the ground, handcuffed, had guns pointed at me, and actually detained for hours. It was only campus police, nonetheless it was still a demoralizing feeling. For a person who has never committed a crime, and has tried to live his life, ethically and morally, it was unjust. That being said, I suppose you are not a minority until you have at least one unwarranted run-in with the law.
Check 1, 2, 3
Thought I would take a moment to dust off of this blog. It has been about five months to date since my last post. I have found some interesting "information" and videos on the Internet, however, I have been too lazy to post. But without further ado, I will be posting, or will try to add something weekly. Stay tuned!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Amber kicked to the curve
In life you have to play your position, and it appears as if Amber didn't know hers. We have heard the complaints about Kanye in the bed, how he frequently checks up on her when out out of town, and how she was apparently using him to further her career. But moving from Ye, to Cassidy is a bad move. Perhaps, it's a comfortable move for her. Without getting into too many details, just think about the difference between the two men. Now think about what she has to bring to the table.

Information has just come down the pipe regarding Kanye "To The" and budding socialite Mrs. Amber Rose. has exclusively learned that its a wrap for the "couple". But you'll never guess why.
According to my source, Kanye has ended their relationship due to Amber trying to sneak out on him with another MC. Apparently while Ye is hard at work in Hawaii on Rihanna and Jay-Z's albums, among others, Amber's been trying to step out him with none other then Philly rapper Cassidy.
It seems the rumors in the streets about Amber Rose being nothing more than a bi-sexual opportunist is true because I hear she strived to keep her thing with Cassidy on the low. Too bad silly Amber wasn't smart enough to know that you can't get anything past Mr. West.
From what I understand, word got back to Ye' and he cancelled that chick I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-E-L-Y!
No word yet on Amber's spin from the situation, but its definitely over.
Information has just come down the pipe regarding Kanye "To The" and budding socialite Mrs. Amber Rose. has exclusively learned that its a wrap for the "couple". But you'll never guess why.
According to my source, Kanye has ended their relationship due to Amber trying to sneak out on him with another MC. Apparently while Ye is hard at work in Hawaii on Rihanna and Jay-Z's albums, among others, Amber's been trying to step out him with none other then Philly rapper Cassidy.
It seems the rumors in the streets about Amber Rose being nothing more than a bi-sexual opportunist is true because I hear she strived to keep her thing with Cassidy on the low. Too bad silly Amber wasn't smart enough to know that you can't get anything past Mr. West.
From what I understand, word got back to Ye' and he cancelled that chick I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-E-L-Y!
No word yet on Amber's spin from the situation, but its definitely over.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
New Iphone
I need a new phone like yesterday. Maybe I will look into the new Iphone. At first I thought the phone was all hype but I know two people very close to me who absolutely love the phone. And, when it comes to technology, I value their opinion.
* 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities
* $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained
* 3.2 Megapixel camera
* Video recording & editing capabilities
* Ability to send a picture & video via MMS
* Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device
* OLED screen
* 1.5X The battery life
* Double the RAM and processing power
* Built-in FM transmitter
* Apple logo on the back to light up
* Rubber-tread backing
* Sleeker design
* Built-in compass
* Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.
* Turn by turn directions
* July 17th, 2009 release date
* 32GB and 16GB to replace current capacities
* $199 and $299 price-points to be maintained
* 3.2 Megapixel camera
* Video recording & editing capabilities
* Ability to send a picture & video via MMS
* Discontinuation of the metal band surrounding the edge of the device
* OLED screen
* 1.5X The battery life
* Double the RAM and processing power
* Built-in FM transmitter
* Apple logo on the back to light up
* Rubber-tread backing
* Sleeker design
* Built-in compass
* Revolutionary combination of the camera, GPS, compass, and Google maps to identify photo and inform about photo locations.
* Turn by turn directions
* July 17th, 2009 release date
I got overly excited reading that my "baby's" will re-release next month. However, it's unsure if they are a EU release only. Until then, I will keep my fingers crossed.
Paranoid Video
Coincidentally, Rhianna is in the new Kanye Wes video, paranoid. I, found myself becoming Rhi's new biggest fan since her nude photos have hit the internet. Now I can see why Chris Brown bust her head to the white meat. I'm kidding..sort of, but no really.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
No sex=no cash!
This was written by a guy… it's pretty damn smart.
Girls - Please have a sense of humor!
This is really funny!!
I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart.
One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed.
Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me."
I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!"
So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear…
"You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit."
We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you… she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play
I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all
dear, let's go to the cashier."
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, "WHAT?"
I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either….but at least that $+##% knows I'm smarter than her.
Girls - Please have a sense of humor!
This is really funny!!
I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their heart.
One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed.
Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me."
I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!"
So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear…
"You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man."
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit."
We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you… she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play
I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all
dear, let's go to the cashier."
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it."
Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, "WHAT?"
I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman."
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either….but at least that $+##% knows I'm smarter than her.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Why Athletes go broke..
What happens to many athletes and their money is indeed hard to believe. In this month alone Saints alltime leading rusher Deuce McAllister filed for bankruptcy protection for the Jackson, Miss., car dealership he owns; Panthers receiver Muhsin Muhammad put his mansion in Charlotte up for sale on eBay a month after news broke that his entertainment company was being sued by Wachovia Bank for overdue credit-card payments; and penniless former NFL running back Travis Henry was jailed for nonpayment of child support.
• By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.
• Within five years of retirement, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke.
OVER THE YEARS Rocket Ismail's portfolio has contained a passel of dubious inventions and risky investments. After mentioning that he once poured money into a religious movie, the gregarious father of four goes uncharacteristically mum about the details. "I don't really want to go over that agony," he says, smiling thinly.
Ismail played two years in Canada and 10 in the NFL, estimating that he earned $18 million to $20 million in salary alone. He made an abortive NFL comeback attempt in 2006, never getting beyond workouts with the Redskins, and then navigated the reality-TV circuit (Pros vs. Joes, Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge). Today he does a Cowboys postgame show on Fox Sports Net. As cautionary tales go, Ismail's could've been worse: He has his Notre Dame degree, and he never filed for bankruptcy, had legal trouble or got divorced. Yet he lost several million dollars, he admits, through "total ignorance."
It began in the winter of 1991 when he sank $300,000 into the Rock N' Roll Café, a theme restaurant in New England designed to ride the wave of the Hard Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywood franchises. One of his advisers pitched the idea as "fail-proof, with no downsides," Ismail recalls. He never recouped his money and has no idea what became of the restaurant.
Lesson learned? If only. After that Ismail squandered a fortune funding not only that inspirational movie but also the music label COZ Records ("The guy was a real good talker," says Rocket); a cosmetics procedure whereby oxygen was absorbed into the skin ("We were not prepared for the sharks in the beauty industry"); a plan to create nationwide phone-card dispensers ("When I was in college, phone cards were a big deal"); and, recently, three shops dubbed It's in the Name, where tourists could buy framed calligraphy of names or proverbs of their choice ("The main store opened up in New Orleans, but doggone Hurricane Katrina came two months later"). The shops no longer exist.
But innumerable other athletes have not been so lucky. Former (and perhaps future) NFL quarterback Michael Vick filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last July and recently put his mansion in suburban Atlanta on the market. That's partly because he is unable to repay about $6 million in bank loans that he put toward a car-rental franchise in Indiana, real estate in Canada and a wine shop in Georgia. "It's always so predictable," Butowsky says. "Everyone wants to be the next Magic Johnson."
But Johnson is the rare, luminous exception of tangibility gone right. In 1994 he started a chain of inner-city movie theaters and diligently built a business empire. Today Magic Johnson Enterprises includes partnerships with Starbucks, 24 Hour Fitness, Aetna and Best Buy, and its capital management division has invested over a billion dollars in urban communities.
The rule, unfortunately, is a mogul manqué like McAllister. According to a civil suit filed on Feb. 20 by Nissan, the running back owes the car company more than $6.6 million plus almost $300,000 in interest on his car dealership. Or Muhammad, whose Cleveland music company, Baylo Entertainment, is being sued by Wachovia for allegedly failing to pay back $24,603.24 on a Visa Business Rewards credit card. Muhammad's 8,200-square-foot lakeside estate, which boasts a custom spa and the "largest residential aquarium in the Southeast," can now be had on eBay for $1.95 million, $800,000 less than he initially asked for.
"That's the killer," Magic Johnson says. Johnson started out by admitting he knew nothing about business and seeking counsel from the power brokers who sat courtside at the old L.A. Forum, men such as Hollywood agent Michael Ovitz and Sony Pictures CEO Peter Guber. Now, Johnson says, he gets calls from star players "every day"-Alex Rodriguez, Shaquille O'Neal, Dwyane Wade, Plaxico Burress-and cuts them short if they propose relying on friends and family. "It won't even be a conversation," says Johnson. "They hire these people not because of expertise but because they're friends. Well, they'll fail."
Says Hunter, "They'll say, 'I got this guy, a cousin who's an accountant.' But he's usually an accountant in the 'hood. You hire him, you're doing him a favor."
In 1994, when NBA center Dikembe Mutombo was engaged to Michelle Roberts, a med student, Roberts refused to sign a premarital contract the day before the wedding. Five hundred guests-including a large party from Mutombo's native Democratic Republic of Congo-had begun flying in to Washington. "[Roberts] never signed," Falk says, "and Mutombo never married the girl." Calling off the nuptials reportedly cost him $250,000.
Children almost always complicate the issue. How to limit paternity obligations is a challenge for pro athletes. Former NBA forward Shawn Kemp (who has at least seven children by six women) and, more recently, Travis Henry (nine by nine) have seen their fortunes sapped by monthly child-support payments in the tens of thousands of dollars. Last month Henry, who reportedly earned almost $11 million over seven years in the NFL, tried and failed to temporarily reduce one of his nine child-support payments by arguing that he could no longer afford the $3,000 every month. Two weeks later he was jailed for falling $16,600 behind in payments for his child in Frostproof, Fla.
An aversion to family planning goes hand in hand with neglect of other forms of financial foresight, which can affect what happens to athletes' fortunes even after they die. Hall of Fame linebacker Derrick Thomas, who died at 33 following a January 2000 car crash, had ignored the urging of his financial adviser to make a will, and his entire estate was left for the court to divide, touching off a legal battle among the five mothers of his seven children. (Of the estimated $30 million Thomas had earned in the NFL, he had only $1.16 million in valued assets at the time of his death.)
"Derrick didn't care about meeting with his planner, and we tried to set him up to do it 10 times," says Steinberg, who was his agent. "The sad truth is that there was a certain group of athletes who actually believed that if they ever sat down to write their wills, they were going to die."
"When I was a young buck," says Hawkins, "I was trying to spend all my money. Now I try to preach to young guys in the clubhouse who are like that. I've got all this stuff from 10 years ago-jewelry, rims-that I think, Why the f--- did I even buy this?" Two years ago Rockets forward Ron Artest had a similar change of heart. He dismissed six friends who were involved with his record label and doing odd jobs for him while they lived in a house he was leasing for $30,000 a year. This entourage's "level of helpfulness," said Artest's publicist, Heidi Buech, "was 50 percent."
Perhaps the upper limit on spending was set by the famously profligate Shaquille O'Neal, who-according to a document obtained by the Palm BeachPost during O'Neal's canceled divorce filing in January 2008-spends a total of $875,015 each month, including $26,500 for child care, $24,300 for gas and $17,220 for clothing. But O'Neal, who also has been known to fund charities anonymously and cover medical bills for complete strangers, has the wherewithal to remain solvent.
When former NBA guard Kenny Anderson filed for bankruptcy in October 2005, he detailed how the estimated $60 million he earned in the league had dwindled to nothing. He bought eight cars and rang up monthly expenses of $41,000, including outlays for child support, his mother's mortgage and his own five-bedroom house in Beverly Hills, Calif.-not to mention $10,000 in what he dubbed "hanging-out money." He also regularly handed out $3,000 to $5,000 to friends and relatives. (Along with Ismail, he enlisted as both a Slamball coach and a Pros vs. Joes participant last year.) Former big league slugger Jack Clark filed for bankruptcy in July 1992 while still playing, listing debts of $6.7 million and ownership of 18 cars-17 of which still had outstanding payments.
• By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.
• Within five years of retirement, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke.
OVER THE YEARS Rocket Ismail's portfolio has contained a passel of dubious inventions and risky investments. After mentioning that he once poured money into a religious movie, the gregarious father of four goes uncharacteristically mum about the details. "I don't really want to go over that agony," he says, smiling thinly.
Ismail played two years in Canada and 10 in the NFL, estimating that he earned $18 million to $20 million in salary alone. He made an abortive NFL comeback attempt in 2006, never getting beyond workouts with the Redskins, and then navigated the reality-TV circuit (Pros vs. Joes, Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge). Today he does a Cowboys postgame show on Fox Sports Net. As cautionary tales go, Ismail's could've been worse: He has his Notre Dame degree, and he never filed for bankruptcy, had legal trouble or got divorced. Yet he lost several million dollars, he admits, through "total ignorance."
It began in the winter of 1991 when he sank $300,000 into the Rock N' Roll Café, a theme restaurant in New England designed to ride the wave of the Hard Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywood franchises. One of his advisers pitched the idea as "fail-proof, with no downsides," Ismail recalls. He never recouped his money and has no idea what became of the restaurant.
Lesson learned? If only. After that Ismail squandered a fortune funding not only that inspirational movie but also the music label COZ Records ("The guy was a real good talker," says Rocket); a cosmetics procedure whereby oxygen was absorbed into the skin ("We were not prepared for the sharks in the beauty industry"); a plan to create nationwide phone-card dispensers ("When I was in college, phone cards were a big deal"); and, recently, three shops dubbed It's in the Name, where tourists could buy framed calligraphy of names or proverbs of their choice ("The main store opened up in New Orleans, but doggone Hurricane Katrina came two months later"). The shops no longer exist.
But innumerable other athletes have not been so lucky. Former (and perhaps future) NFL quarterback Michael Vick filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last July and recently put his mansion in suburban Atlanta on the market. That's partly because he is unable to repay about $6 million in bank loans that he put toward a car-rental franchise in Indiana, real estate in Canada and a wine shop in Georgia. "It's always so predictable," Butowsky says. "Everyone wants to be the next Magic Johnson."
But Johnson is the rare, luminous exception of tangibility gone right. In 1994 he started a chain of inner-city movie theaters and diligently built a business empire. Today Magic Johnson Enterprises includes partnerships with Starbucks, 24 Hour Fitness, Aetna and Best Buy, and its capital management division has invested over a billion dollars in urban communities.
The rule, unfortunately, is a mogul manqué like McAllister. According to a civil suit filed on Feb. 20 by Nissan, the running back owes the car company more than $6.6 million plus almost $300,000 in interest on his car dealership. Or Muhammad, whose Cleveland music company, Baylo Entertainment, is being sued by Wachovia for allegedly failing to pay back $24,603.24 on a Visa Business Rewards credit card. Muhammad's 8,200-square-foot lakeside estate, which boasts a custom spa and the "largest residential aquarium in the Southeast," can now be had on eBay for $1.95 million, $800,000 less than he initially asked for.
"That's the killer," Magic Johnson says. Johnson started out by admitting he knew nothing about business and seeking counsel from the power brokers who sat courtside at the old L.A. Forum, men such as Hollywood agent Michael Ovitz and Sony Pictures CEO Peter Guber. Now, Johnson says, he gets calls from star players "every day"-Alex Rodriguez, Shaquille O'Neal, Dwyane Wade, Plaxico Burress-and cuts them short if they propose relying on friends and family. "It won't even be a conversation," says Johnson. "They hire these people not because of expertise but because they're friends. Well, they'll fail."
Says Hunter, "They'll say, 'I got this guy, a cousin who's an accountant.' But he's usually an accountant in the 'hood. You hire him, you're doing him a favor."
In 1994, when NBA center Dikembe Mutombo was engaged to Michelle Roberts, a med student, Roberts refused to sign a premarital contract the day before the wedding. Five hundred guests-including a large party from Mutombo's native Democratic Republic of Congo-had begun flying in to Washington. "[Roberts] never signed," Falk says, "and Mutombo never married the girl." Calling off the nuptials reportedly cost him $250,000.
Children almost always complicate the issue. How to limit paternity obligations is a challenge for pro athletes. Former NBA forward Shawn Kemp (who has at least seven children by six women) and, more recently, Travis Henry (nine by nine) have seen their fortunes sapped by monthly child-support payments in the tens of thousands of dollars. Last month Henry, who reportedly earned almost $11 million over seven years in the NFL, tried and failed to temporarily reduce one of his nine child-support payments by arguing that he could no longer afford the $3,000 every month. Two weeks later he was jailed for falling $16,600 behind in payments for his child in Frostproof, Fla.
An aversion to family planning goes hand in hand with neglect of other forms of financial foresight, which can affect what happens to athletes' fortunes even after they die. Hall of Fame linebacker Derrick Thomas, who died at 33 following a January 2000 car crash, had ignored the urging of his financial adviser to make a will, and his entire estate was left for the court to divide, touching off a legal battle among the five mothers of his seven children. (Of the estimated $30 million Thomas had earned in the NFL, he had only $1.16 million in valued assets at the time of his death.)
"Derrick didn't care about meeting with his planner, and we tried to set him up to do it 10 times," says Steinberg, who was his agent. "The sad truth is that there was a certain group of athletes who actually believed that if they ever sat down to write their wills, they were going to die."
"When I was a young buck," says Hawkins, "I was trying to spend all my money. Now I try to preach to young guys in the clubhouse who are like that. I've got all this stuff from 10 years ago-jewelry, rims-that I think, Why the f--- did I even buy this?" Two years ago Rockets forward Ron Artest had a similar change of heart. He dismissed six friends who were involved with his record label and doing odd jobs for him while they lived in a house he was leasing for $30,000 a year. This entourage's "level of helpfulness," said Artest's publicist, Heidi Buech, "was 50 percent."
Perhaps the upper limit on spending was set by the famously profligate Shaquille O'Neal, who-according to a document obtained by the Palm BeachPost during O'Neal's canceled divorce filing in January 2008-spends a total of $875,015 each month, including $26,500 for child care, $24,300 for gas and $17,220 for clothing. But O'Neal, who also has been known to fund charities anonymously and cover medical bills for complete strangers, has the wherewithal to remain solvent.
When former NBA guard Kenny Anderson filed for bankruptcy in October 2005, he detailed how the estimated $60 million he earned in the league had dwindled to nothing. He bought eight cars and rang up monthly expenses of $41,000, including outlays for child support, his mother's mortgage and his own five-bedroom house in Beverly Hills, Calif.-not to mention $10,000 in what he dubbed "hanging-out money." He also regularly handed out $3,000 to $5,000 to friends and relatives. (Along with Ismail, he enlisted as both a Slamball coach and a Pros vs. Joes participant last year.) Former big league slugger Jack Clark filed for bankruptcy in July 1992 while still playing, listing debts of $6.7 million and ownership of 18 cars-17 of which still had outstanding payments.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Kobe and Ron..The Lost Tapes
In case some of you missed it last week, Kobe and Ron were verbally going at it. I thought it was funny because Artest was getting lit up, but, he would not stop.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Man predicts U.S. will collapse
Might not be a reality, but still makes for good read!
Prediction: Alaska will return to Russian control
But he said the recent economic turmoil in the United States and other "social and cultural phenomena" led him to nail down a specific timeframe for "The End" - when the United States will break up into six autonomous regions and Alaska will revert to Russian control.
Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.
Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.
"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said. "What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."
Panarin insisted he didn't wish for a U.S. collapse, but he predicted Russia and China would emerge from the economic turmoil stronger and said the two nations should work together, even to create a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar.
Asked for comment on how the Foreign Ministry views Panarin's theories, a spokesman said all questions had to be submitted in writing and no answers were likely before Wednesday.
Prediction: Alaska will return to Russian control
But he said the recent economic turmoil in the United States and other "social and cultural phenomena" led him to nail down a specific timeframe for "The End" - when the United States will break up into six autonomous regions and Alaska will revert to Russian control.
Panarin argued that Americans are in moral decline, saying their great psychological stress is evident from school shootings, the size of the prison population and the number of gay men.
Turning to economic woes, he cited the slide in major stock indexes, the decline in U.S. gross domestic product and Washington's bailout of banking giant Citigroup as evidence that American dominance of global markets has collapsed.
"I was there recently and things are far from good," he said. "What's happened is the collapse of the American dream."
Panarin insisted he didn't wish for a U.S. collapse, but he predicted Russia and China would emerge from the economic turmoil stronger and said the two nations should work together, even to create a new currency to replace the U.S. dollar.
Asked for comment on how the Foreign Ministry views Panarin's theories, a spokesman said all questions had to be submitted in writing and no answers were likely before Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Kanye's New video
I like this video, can't be said for the other two from 808!
KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The NBA DUD-Star Game
Maybe it was just me, but this was one of the less memorable A.S. weekends. And, I believe that the NBA is fixed (word to that janky ref). We all know Kobe and Shaq don't get along as well as the media portrays. If so, Kobe is a 'mark', my bad we are talking about Kobe.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Dream= Hits
Okay, the song was growing on me, but after seeing the video, it's official; I like this song a lot.
Monday, February 9, 2009
WTF was M.I.A. thinking
Seriously, babies are adorable and are gifts from God, but a pregnant stomach is not appealing.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Option #2
Me: "Yea man, she been through like hella guys since her True Love"
Friend: "And she is still trying to recover"?
Those were the words that were echoed from a good friend of mine while discussing a topic about past relationships, weeks ago. As I hung up the phone, I started thinking about people who have passionately been in love, and due to reasons, it didn't work out; most of the people have never recovered fully. I think it's innate for us to medicate ourselves by thinking that the person wasn't the one for us. *Disclaimer: There are always two sides to every story, I know* But, honestly, how do we know that? If a foolish man was handed 1 Million dollars, but he didn't invest his money wisely, and squandered away the rest recklessly, was it not meant for him? I'm not one with the whole idea of a "soul mate" but I do believe that there are many people whom will compliment, some better than others. Sure, you might find someone that replaces the last, and fills the void, but you know deep down that it's not the same. I personally know of situations from friends, family members, acquaintances, etc... whom have married, not their true love, but the next best thing, and seeing them with their significant other, they just don't exuberant the same happiness. I pose this, think waking up in the morning next to the person who was basically you're second round draft pick. Better yet, having a family with them. Would that create resentment down the road, and could you ever be truly happy?
I not a psychologist or neurologist, which ever one would fall under the study of my next sentence. But, is it only possible for you to recapture your brain's love endorphins "pop cherry" feeling ever again? In the moment of uncertainty and denial, it's easy to say "he or she wasn't what I NEEDED"? It was just a want, but those same wants (when you get them) are what tickles your fancy, and stimulates you, creating a euphoric sensation through out the soul. That being said, life is too short, and if there's something you want go get it. I like to use that thought process when buying kicks. lol As I sit here and write this, I don't have the attitude like it could not happen to me because it very well could; or maybe it already has and I don't know it. IT'S SCARY!
To Be Continued!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Attn: All Ladies
Found this on the net, can almost agree with 90% of it
--Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if you've slept with more than 6're a H*e!)
--"Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.
--Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
--Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.
--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
--Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
--Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
--A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
--Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
--Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.
--Guys get jealous easily.
--Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
--Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
--Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
--Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.
--Girls are guys' weaknesses.
--Guys are very open about themselves.
--It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.
--Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
--If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
--A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
--Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
--Guys will brag about anything.
--Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful.If a guy uses that, he likes you a whole hell of a lot.
--No matter how much guys talk about +##!+ and boobs, personality is key.
--Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
--Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.
--Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
--Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.
--Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.
--Try to be as straightforward as possible.
--If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
--If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
--When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
--When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
--Guys don't really have final decisions.
--If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
--If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.
--When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
--When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
--Guys like femininity not feebleness.
--Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
--A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
--Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
--Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.
--Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
--Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
--If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.
--Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
--A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
--No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
--Not all guys are $%*$@%++. Just because ONE is a %$@%@++ doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.
--We don't like girls who are too skinny.
--We love it when girls talk about there boobs.
--Always make sure you know what kind of stuff your getting into before making out with a guy wheather it's a one time deal or not ....
--Believe it or not shy guys are the most easiest to talk may not seem right but trust me they will start opening up like books after you just ask them questions about their lives and unoticable tell them about yours...
--When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually
--Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs..
--Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts...
--Guys will test the waters to see how far they can get with you. Even if he doesn't intend to it will happen. Know how far it is you want to let him go and he will respect that...after you let him know a couple times.
--When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
--Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!
(oh're not "popular" if you've slept with more than 6're a H*e!)
--"Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.
--Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
--Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.
--Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
--Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.
--Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.
--A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
--Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.
--Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.
--Guys get jealous easily.
--Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.
--Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
--Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
--Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.
--Girls are guys' weaknesses.
--Guys are very open about themselves.
--It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.
--Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.
--If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
--A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
--Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.
--Guys will brag about anything.
--Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful.If a guy uses that, he likes you a whole hell of a lot.
--No matter how much guys talk about +##!+ and boobs, personality is key.
--Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.
--Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.
--Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.
--Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.
--Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.
--Try to be as straightforward as possible.
--If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
--If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.
--When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
--When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."
--Guys don't really have final decisions.
--If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.
--If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.
--When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.
--When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.
--Guys like femininity not feebleness.
--Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.
--A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
--Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.
--Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.
--Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
--Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.
--If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.
--Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.
--A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
--No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
--Not all guys are $%*$@%++. Just because ONE is a %$@%@++ doesnt mean he represents ALL of us.
--We don't like girls who are too skinny.
--We love it when girls talk about there boobs.
--Always make sure you know what kind of stuff your getting into before making out with a guy wheather it's a one time deal or not ....
--Believe it or not shy guys are the most easiest to talk may not seem right but trust me they will start opening up like books after you just ask them questions about their lives and unoticable tell them about yours...
--When a guy hits your butt it means that he wants you sexually
--Even if they refuse it all guys are ticklish on the ribs..
--Guys love neck rubs and if he lets you keep doing it means that he really likes you or his neck really hurts...
--Guys will test the waters to see how far they can get with you. Even if he doesn't intend to it will happen. Know how far it is you want to let him go and he will respect that...after you let him know a couple times.
--When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cougar Crush
Kanye is notoriously known for posting "Where are you Yeezy" models on his blog. Well I'm flipping the script with Cougars. Before knowing she survived Breast Cancer, there was something about this woman's presence on TV that has drawn me to Todays Show. She's kind of has the "Tiger Woods" effect going on, but she's Egyptian, and a Delta. I would have never thought. She's also single, in here mid 40's. Damn!
Hoda Kotb
Hoda Kotb
Another One!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Relationships, Careers, and Friends= Balance?
I told myself to write this blog a few days ago, but I'm so damn scattered brained at times. That being said, hopefully you'll be able to pick up where I was trying to go with it.
When you grow up, you have to find a great career, get married, have kids, and buy that house with the picket fences. I forget, you have to maintain an equilibrium with other aspects of your life. Is this equally possible?
I know right off the bat, you're thinking "Hell yes it's possible to balance all of them", however I beg to differ. With only 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week that doesn't leave much time for; showering, commuting, work, lunch, clocking out, working out, dinner, and spending time with your significant other. This is the assumption that there are no kids in your life right now. From my firsthand experience, I started to realize early that people started to focus their time on other "aspects" of their lives, and while I focused on trying to "hang out" all the time, people had their own personal agendas. I began to realize that the agendas for the most part didn't include my personal desires. Childhood friends began to have kids, people went off to college, and the military, and (insert other ambitions here).
I, too , was wrapped up in life and figuring things out, however,there was this one part of me that wanted to hold on to the days of yore when we didn't have any major responsibilities. I'll admit, I became frustrated at times. For the most part, there weren't any mutual friends where significant other's could join together, as people began to venture out and find new faces in different places to date. Now lets fast forward to my mid 20's. Regarding careers, some of us are lucky to find a career early that we could see ourselves in forever. But, most of us, that's not the case. It's probably not until you hit your mid-30's that you settle into your career. Now, back to relationships. I began to invest in post-high school long term relationships that required commitment, time, and patience; all which are consuming. In the meantime,I started becoming M.I.A like they did. I realized that I had not spoken to ( insert name) in X amount of weeks , even in the day of technology and social networks, etc. It seems nearly impossible at times to balance it all, and I have never since my days of seriously dating found myself spreading the time equally. Even when attempted to, it was confirmed that while I was trying to keep living those youthful times, people were keeping it pushing with their significant others. Perhaps they figure while your friends will always be around, what's MOST important is your significant other and working to build your own nest.
As I age, I constantly have these thoughts like, as much as I love my friends and family members, who's going to be there for me when I come home from having a bad day? I can't come home to my friends for many reasons, some aforementioned. Even family member fit into the category, because they are busy do them too. When your friends get older and have to make life decisions that effect their personal lives, are they going to make a decision considering your feelings? Or are they going to think about feeding their kids, paying bills, and buying that new car? This isn't high school anymore where people transfer to be with friends, and/or attend the same college. This is life! It was a hard pill for me to swallow, and I still at times don't want to fully digest it, but the saying goes something like, "Get to living YOUR life". And, as we get older that mostly pertains to building something special with a significant other, and investing in your future.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
In today's Barack News!!
Lately, it seems that now since President Obama has officially become our Commander and Chief, there's been a lot of discussions about people claiming racial ownership of the man. In a forum that I frequent, I found this interesting article. Take a read, shall you.
Obama's Bob Marley effect
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
November 09, 2008

Barack Obama
One of the hidden, unnoticed and unsung variables in the recently concluded United States Presidential elections was the Bob Marley effect in Senator Barack Obama's run for the United States presidency and his awesome victory.
Robert "Bob" Nestor Marley and Senator Barack Obama both have one thing in common: a white parent. Bob Marley's father was British and white; Senator Barack Obama's mother was American and white.
Bob Marley was the "first superstar from the Third World" to gain international fame, fans, fortune and acclaim.
In fact, his 1979 LP entitled "Exodus" has been acclaimed as the "album of the century" and both Time Magazine and the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) have designated his song "One Love" as the "Song of the Century".
Time had this to say about Bob Marley's "Exodus "LP: "every song is a class, from the messages of love to the anthems of revolution. But more than that, the album is a nexus, drawing inspiration from the Third World and then giving voice to it the world over".
Bob Marley is indeed the "entertainer of the century". Bob Marley not only took reggae music and its message to Europe, America, Asia and Africa but more importantly, Marley, the man, transcended race and class.
Bob Marley had the charisma and racial hue to draw thousand of young white Americans and Europeans, mainly women, to his countless sell-out concerts. This writer hypothesizes that Bob Marley's white-looking , youthful, physical appearance served as the magnetic force to attrack the multitudes of young white female patrons to his shows --- his slow, rhythmic inspiring reggae music notwithstanding.
Put another way, it might have been in the subconscious payche of these White-European patrons that they were in musical- cultural communion with one of their own. They internalized that they were in-tuned with a white artiste. They felt one with Bob Marley on stage during his concerts.
A white-looking Bob Marley was their musical- cultural comfort zone. And this comfort zone was further ossified by Bob Marley's international lyrics. The white-European audiences totally identified with Bob Marley's lyrics. They understood and felt his "positive vibration" up close and personal because they knew what "Babylon" meant; they knew of a "Trench Town" ghetto in America and Europe; they all yearned for "One Love" among humanity; and they expressed these sentiments outwardly by growing dreadlocks themselves.
Senator Barack Obama's run for the United States presidency mirrored Bob Marley's iconic musical – cultured legacy. Like Bob Marley, Senator Barack Obama was also able to woe thousands of young white Americans, mainly females, to work for his election. Like Bob Marley, these young American females saw Barack Obama as one of them. Obama's campaign experience was their political comfort zone a la Bob Marley's concerts.
Like Bob Marley, young white Americans totally identified with Obama's message about their future. They felt Obama's "positive vibration." Like Bob Marley, Obama's youthful, white –looking, physical appearance was the magnetic force to draw young white Americans to his side. They not only saw themselves in his political mirror but also clothed themselves in his rock star persona a la Bob Marley.
In addition, Bob Marley's lyrics spoke to revolutionary change in society between the "Haves" and "Have nots" and exhorted the oppressed/ marginalized to "get up, stand up; stand up for your rights".
Similarly, Senator Barack Obama's campaign lyrics/ rhetoric spoke to " change " in America after eight years of President George Bush's failed domestic economic and foreign policies.
Bob Marley and Senator Barack Obama were extremely successful and on target in this endeavor – "Change We Need".
In the final analysis, the common denominator between Bob Marley and President- elect Barack Obama is that they both give " the poor a voice the world over". Only " Time will tell" whether or not as the 44th President Barack Obama will emerge as United States President of the century.
If he were to achieve this unique goal/milestone, then, President Barack Obama will not only usher in "a new dawn of American leadership" at home, but, more importantly, he would have also sown the seeds of a new image of love, hope, respect and admiration for America around the world.
Dr. Kwame Namtambu is Professor Ementus, Kent State University.
Obama's Bob Marley effect
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
November 09, 2008
Barack Obama
One of the hidden, unnoticed and unsung variables in the recently concluded United States Presidential elections was the Bob Marley effect in Senator Barack Obama's run for the United States presidency and his awesome victory.
Robert "Bob" Nestor Marley and Senator Barack Obama both have one thing in common: a white parent. Bob Marley's father was British and white; Senator Barack Obama's mother was American and white.
Bob Marley was the "first superstar from the Third World" to gain international fame, fans, fortune and acclaim.
In fact, his 1979 LP entitled "Exodus" has been acclaimed as the "album of the century" and both Time Magazine and the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) have designated his song "One Love" as the "Song of the Century".
Time had this to say about Bob Marley's "Exodus "LP: "every song is a class, from the messages of love to the anthems of revolution. But more than that, the album is a nexus, drawing inspiration from the Third World and then giving voice to it the world over".
Bob Marley is indeed the "entertainer of the century". Bob Marley not only took reggae music and its message to Europe, America, Asia and Africa but more importantly, Marley, the man, transcended race and class.
Bob Marley had the charisma and racial hue to draw thousand of young white Americans and Europeans, mainly women, to his countless sell-out concerts. This writer hypothesizes that Bob Marley's white-looking , youthful, physical appearance served as the magnetic force to attrack the multitudes of young white female patrons to his shows --- his slow, rhythmic inspiring reggae music notwithstanding.
Put another way, it might have been in the subconscious payche of these White-European patrons that they were in musical- cultural communion with one of their own. They internalized that they were in-tuned with a white artiste. They felt one with Bob Marley on stage during his concerts.
A white-looking Bob Marley was their musical- cultural comfort zone. And this comfort zone was further ossified by Bob Marley's international lyrics. The white-European audiences totally identified with Bob Marley's lyrics. They understood and felt his "positive vibration" up close and personal because they knew what "Babylon" meant; they knew of a "Trench Town" ghetto in America and Europe; they all yearned for "One Love" among humanity; and they expressed these sentiments outwardly by growing dreadlocks themselves.
Senator Barack Obama's run for the United States presidency mirrored Bob Marley's iconic musical – cultured legacy. Like Bob Marley, Senator Barack Obama was also able to woe thousands of young white Americans, mainly females, to work for his election. Like Bob Marley, these young American females saw Barack Obama as one of them. Obama's campaign experience was their political comfort zone a la Bob Marley's concerts.
Like Bob Marley, young white Americans totally identified with Obama's message about their future. They felt Obama's "positive vibration." Like Bob Marley, Obama's youthful, white –looking, physical appearance was the magnetic force to draw young white Americans to his side. They not only saw themselves in his political mirror but also clothed themselves in his rock star persona a la Bob Marley.
In addition, Bob Marley's lyrics spoke to revolutionary change in society between the "Haves" and "Have nots" and exhorted the oppressed/ marginalized to "get up, stand up; stand up for your rights".
Similarly, Senator Barack Obama's campaign lyrics/ rhetoric spoke to " change " in America after eight years of President George Bush's failed domestic economic and foreign policies.
Bob Marley and Senator Barack Obama were extremely successful and on target in this endeavor – "Change We Need".
In the final analysis, the common denominator between Bob Marley and President- elect Barack Obama is that they both give " the poor a voice the world over". Only " Time will tell" whether or not as the 44th President Barack Obama will emerge as United States President of the century.
If he were to achieve this unique goal/milestone, then, President Barack Obama will not only usher in "a new dawn of American leadership" at home, but, more importantly, he would have also sown the seeds of a new image of love, hope, respect and admiration for America around the world.
Dr. Kwame Namtambu is Professor Ementus, Kent State University.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Damn SD
Top Fittest Cities
1. Salt Lake City, UT
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Minneapolis, MN
4. Denver, CO
5. Albuquerque, NM
6. Portland, OR
7. Honolulu, HI
8. Seattle, WA
9. Omaha, NE
10. Virginia Beach, VA
11. Milwaukee, WI
12. San Francisco, CA
13. Tucson, AZ
14. Boston, MA
15. Cleveland, OH
16. St. Louis, MO
17. Austin, TX
18. Washington, DC
19. Sacramento, CA
20. Oakland, CA
21. Atlanta, GA
22. Fresno, CA
23. Tampa, FL
24. Nashville-Davidson, TN
25. Pittsburgh, PA
Top Fattest Cities
1. Miami, FL
2. Oklahoma City, OK
3. San Antonio, TX
4. Las Vegas, NV
5. New York, NY
6. Houston, TX
7. El Paso, TX
8. Jacksonville, FL
9. Charlotte, NC
10. Louisville-Jefferson, KY
11. Memphis, TN
12. Detroit, MI
13. Chicago, IL
14. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
15. San Jose, CA
16. Tulsa, OK
17. Baltimore, MD
18. Columbus, OH
19. Raleigh, NC
20. Philadelphia, PA
21. L.A.-Long Beach, CA
22. Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
23. Indianapolis, IN
24. San Diego, CA
25. Kansas City, MO
1. Salt Lake City, UT
2. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Minneapolis, MN
4. Denver, CO
5. Albuquerque, NM
6. Portland, OR
7. Honolulu, HI
8. Seattle, WA
9. Omaha, NE
10. Virginia Beach, VA
11. Milwaukee, WI
12. San Francisco, CA
13. Tucson, AZ
14. Boston, MA
15. Cleveland, OH
16. St. Louis, MO
17. Austin, TX
18. Washington, DC
19. Sacramento, CA
20. Oakland, CA
21. Atlanta, GA
22. Fresno, CA
23. Tampa, FL
24. Nashville-Davidson, TN
25. Pittsburgh, PA
Top Fattest Cities
1. Miami, FL
2. Oklahoma City, OK
3. San Antonio, TX
4. Las Vegas, NV
5. New York, NY
6. Houston, TX
7. El Paso, TX
8. Jacksonville, FL
9. Charlotte, NC
10. Louisville-Jefferson, KY
11. Memphis, TN
12. Detroit, MI
13. Chicago, IL
14. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
15. San Jose, CA
16. Tulsa, OK
17. Baltimore, MD
18. Columbus, OH
19. Raleigh, NC
20. Philadelphia, PA
21. L.A.-Long Beach, CA
22. Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
23. Indianapolis, IN
24. San Diego, CA
25. Kansas City, MO
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Peer Punishment
Here's my quick rant for the day..
I've come to the realization that people will make assumptions and punish you throughout your life. Regardless of how malleable you try to be, people will always find something to hold against you. Most people are guilty for finding "flaws" in a person due to their insecurities or shortcomings. For instance, take a blonde hair young lady, what's the first thing people associate blondes with? Dumbness for immature purposes. Only kid in a family, he or she has to be a selfish individual, right? An educated black man with baggy clothes, no need for me to go down that road tonight. Next, take an obese person walking into a room. Automatically, people are going to think that they are pathetic human beings, and don't have the capability to do "normal" things for themselves. Take a physically fit young man walking into a room, most will think that he's a jock, and doesn't have the mental capacity as most of his counterparts. The person who's reserved and appears to be socially challenged will be perceived as unfriendly, or something suspicious will be thought about them. How about a person that's financially stable, and doesn't appear to be in need of anything. You think that they receive the same thoughtful gifts as a person that is less fortunate. As a result of the persons hard work and determination, he or she will receive the short of the stick unless they are dealing with someone that is equal, financially. What about the person that doesn't smoke or drink, well they must be a religious freak, therefore, they couldn't dare be the life of the party. Single with no kids, or kids out of wedlock, you can fill in the blank for that one, because I'm sure that you have been guilty of making an assumption. It's really unfortunate that when we try to make sense of something that is unfamiliar with us that we often choose the most extreme option; when most of the time it's the complete opposite of what we are thinking. My conclusion is that people are always trying to level the playing field (life) and in doing so, they have to find an imperfections through their perceived "reality".
I've come to the realization that people will make assumptions and punish you throughout your life. Regardless of how malleable you try to be, people will always find something to hold against you. Most people are guilty for finding "flaws" in a person due to their insecurities or shortcomings. For instance, take a blonde hair young lady, what's the first thing people associate blondes with? Dumbness for immature purposes. Only kid in a family, he or she has to be a selfish individual, right? An educated black man with baggy clothes, no need for me to go down that road tonight. Next, take an obese person walking into a room. Automatically, people are going to think that they are pathetic human beings, and don't have the capability to do "normal" things for themselves. Take a physically fit young man walking into a room, most will think that he's a jock, and doesn't have the mental capacity as most of his counterparts. The person who's reserved and appears to be socially challenged will be perceived as unfriendly, or something suspicious will be thought about them. How about a person that's financially stable, and doesn't appear to be in need of anything. You think that they receive the same thoughtful gifts as a person that is less fortunate. As a result of the persons hard work and determination, he or she will receive the short of the stick unless they are dealing with someone that is equal, financially. What about the person that doesn't smoke or drink, well they must be a religious freak, therefore, they couldn't dare be the life of the party. Single with no kids, or kids out of wedlock, you can fill in the blank for that one, because I'm sure that you have been guilty of making an assumption. It's really unfortunate that when we try to make sense of something that is unfamiliar with us that we often choose the most extreme option; when most of the time it's the complete opposite of what we are thinking. My conclusion is that people are always trying to level the playing field (life) and in doing so, they have to find an imperfections through their perceived "reality".
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I know it's just Chili...
Did our next president say, "nah we straight". I love it! On another note, something personable strikes me about O'bama. I feel as if I could walk up to him, without secret service putting one in my head, and have a comfortable conversation about anything.
Monday, January 12, 2009
What's wrong with Ye?
Rapper Kanye West has revealed that he would like to pose nude one day to “break every rule…of Hip Hop.”
The rapper reasoned that that he wanted to challenge the norms of American and African American mores.
“I definitely feel, like, in the next however many years, if I work out for two months, that I’ll pose naked. I [want to] break every rule and mentality of hip-hop, of black culture, of American culture,” he said in the February issue of Vibe magazine.
This wouldn’t be the first time a well-known rapper has stripped his clothing off.
Brooklyn icon Big Daddy Kane posed partially nude in a June 1991 issue of Playgirl magazine, the female lifestyle magazine and counterpart to Playboy. He also pushed the boundaries - and generated controversy among purists - when he did a risqué three-way photo shoot with Madonna and super model Naomi Campbell. The images appeared in Madonna's "Sex" book in 1992.
Kanye West continues to break standard with his latest offering, 808s & Heartbreaks, where he crooned most of the album with the help of Autotune software
He stated that there is a decidedly double standard as it pertains to Hip-Hop acts and himself.
“If she wanted to pose naked, you’d be like, ‘Oh, that’s Bjork.’ But if I wanted to pose naked, people would draw all type of things into it,” he said.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Say What!
Katy Perry and Travis McCoy Split

Posted 01/02/2009 12:13 PM by Celebuzz
Celebuzz has learned that bombshell Katy Perry has split with Gym Class Heroes singer Travis McCoy, after a holiday in Mexico and a tumultuous New Year's Eve.
The reported two-year relationship between the musicians came to an end this week despite the pair spending Christmas downtime on the beach, reading and drinking on the sand.
"It's a hardship, but she's regrouping," a source tells Celebuzz. The split likely came to a head just before 2009's arrival.
Perry hosted Gridlock New Year's Eve, a bash held on the Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood, attended by the likes of Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane and actor Matt Dallas.
While 24-year-old Perry roused the crowd with chants of ""Happy f--king New Year, everyone," McCoy took to his personal blog with some highly critical poetry for the lady in his life.
"We fight every night, now that's not kosher. I reminisce with bliss of when we was closer. And wake up to be greeted by an argument again, You act like you're ten," the 27-year-old writes.
McCoy is a close collaborator with Fall Out Boy and godfather to Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson's son Bronx Mowgli.
"My friends always tell me how I'm lucky to possess the best looking girl in the whole U.S.," the blog continued, " seems like just two years back when we were bonded and not pierced, but now I keep itchin' to jet."
"I do not comment on Katy's personal life," said Heidi Anne-Noel, a label rep for Perry. Emails to a McCoy spokesperson were not returned.
After his first post, Travis followed up with a sentiment of love for his own computer, saying, "My Laptop is my new !*@@+. LOYAL. LISTENS. and NEVER LET'S ME DOWN."
Only a week ago, the couple were rumored to be engaged. The NY Daily News had said McCoy proposed to the "I Kissed A Girl," singer in Paris.
Perry cleared up the speculation on her blog, saying: "Not engaged! But thanks for the free press New York Daily News!"
In June, People magazine reported that McCoy had presented Perry with a promise ring, as well as a matching silver band for himself with the word Katy inscribed.
Perry will kick off her first world tour in Seattle on January 23, while McCoy continues to appear with Heroes, next slated for a concert in Nashville, Tennessee, this Tuesday.
Update: McCoy's blog post containing a narrative about a defunct relationship are in fact the lyrics to Main Source's "Looking at the Front Door."
Consequently, I wouldn't touch her though after reading Travis's blog. I know there's always two sides to every story, but I'm going to pass judgement and say that everything he wrote was true.
Posted 01/02/2009 12:13 PM by Celebuzz
Celebuzz has learned that bombshell Katy Perry has split with Gym Class Heroes singer Travis McCoy, after a holiday in Mexico and a tumultuous New Year's Eve.
The reported two-year relationship between the musicians came to an end this week despite the pair spending Christmas downtime on the beach, reading and drinking on the sand.
"It's a hardship, but she's regrouping," a source tells Celebuzz. The split likely came to a head just before 2009's arrival.
Perry hosted Gridlock New Year's Eve, a bash held on the Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood, attended by the likes of Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane and actor Matt Dallas.
While 24-year-old Perry roused the crowd with chants of ""Happy f--king New Year, everyone," McCoy took to his personal blog with some highly critical poetry for the lady in his life.
"We fight every night, now that's not kosher. I reminisce with bliss of when we was closer. And wake up to be greeted by an argument again, You act like you're ten," the 27-year-old writes.
McCoy is a close collaborator with Fall Out Boy and godfather to Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson's son Bronx Mowgli.
"My friends always tell me how I'm lucky to possess the best looking girl in the whole U.S.," the blog continued, " seems like just two years back when we were bonded and not pierced, but now I keep itchin' to jet."
"I do not comment on Katy's personal life," said Heidi Anne-Noel, a label rep for Perry. Emails to a McCoy spokesperson were not returned.
After his first post, Travis followed up with a sentiment of love for his own computer, saying, "My Laptop is my new !*@@+. LOYAL. LISTENS. and NEVER LET'S ME DOWN."
Only a week ago, the couple were rumored to be engaged. The NY Daily News had said McCoy proposed to the "I Kissed A Girl," singer in Paris.
Perry cleared up the speculation on her blog, saying: "Not engaged! But thanks for the free press New York Daily News!"
In June, People magazine reported that McCoy had presented Perry with a promise ring, as well as a matching silver band for himself with the word Katy inscribed.
Perry will kick off her first world tour in Seattle on January 23, while McCoy continues to appear with Heroes, next slated for a concert in Nashville, Tennessee, this Tuesday.
Update: McCoy's blog post containing a narrative about a defunct relationship are in fact the lyrics to Main Source's "Looking at the Front Door."
Consequently, I wouldn't touch her though after reading Travis's blog. I know there's always two sides to every story, but I'm going to pass judgement and say that everything he wrote was true.
Happy Belated New Years
I was going to do a 2008 wrap up post and a New Years Day post, but I didn't. Therefore that means 1. I started the year off productive, or 2. I've been lazy to end and begin the New Year.
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